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2007/3/20 6:47
さいきんの酒 神聖 源べえさんの 生酒 一番しぼり


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酒 月桂冠 鳳麟 / 酒 源蔵とっくり / 酒 玉乃光 備前雄町 / 酒 ふり袖 濁れる飲みて / 酒 玉乃光しぼりたて / 酒 月桂冠 鳳麟 / 酒 ふり袖 濁れる飲みて / 酒 富翁 源蔵とっくり 大吟醸原酒 / 酒 玉乃光 備前雄町 純米大吟醸 / 酒 英勲 古都千年 純米大吟醸 / 酒 都鶴 みやこつる 山田錦 大吟醸 / 酒 月桂冠 鳳麟 / 酒 ふり袖 濁れる飲みて / 酒 川鶴 香雪 純米吟醸活性にごり生酒 / 酒 神聖 たれくち / 酒 飛露喜 特別純米無濾過生原酒 / 酒 富翁 大吟醸 金賞酒 / 酒 四季桜 大吟醸無濾過生原酒 / 酒 醸し人九平次 別誂純米大吟醸 / 酒 神聖 源べえさんの 生酒 一番しぼり / 酒 抱腹絶倒 / 酒 名前忘れた / 酒 蒼空 大吟醸 / 酒 黒龍 本醸造 垂れ口 / 酒 黒龍 本醸造 垂れ口 / 酒 九平次 御点前大吟 中取り 佐藤彰洋 / 酒 月桂冠 山田錦 純米大吟醸 / 酒 蒼空 大吟醸 / 酒 都しずく / 酒 月の桂 吟醸にごり酒 / 酒 英勲 古都千年 / 酒 ふり袖 濁れる飲みて / 酒 富翁 金賞酒 / 酒 月桂冠 鳳麟 / 酒 蒼空 大吟醸 / 酒 英勲 古都千年うすにごり / 酒 月の桂 吟醸にごり酒 / 酒 英勲 古都千年うすにごり / 酒 都鶴 竜馬 / 酒 ふり袖 濁れる飲みて / 酒 月桂冠 鳳麟 / 酒 都鶴 竜馬 / 酒 英勲 古都千年うすにごり / 酒 月の桂 吟醸にごり酒 / 酒 ふり袖 濁れる飲みて / 酒 招徳 竹の皮包み / 酒 蒼空 蒼空仕込み二号 / 酒 黄桜 古酒5年貯蔵 / 酒 英勲 古都千年うすにごり / 酒 都鶴 みやこつる 山田錦 / 酒 都鶴 みやこつる生原酒 / 酒 大吟醸生貯蔵 天のしずく / 酒 京姫 山田錦大吟醸 匠 / 酒 純米大吟醸 花山車 にゃでしこの花 / 酒 蓬莱 超激辛にごり酒 / 酒 純米大吟醸 花山車 べこにあの花 / 酒 天領 純米吟醸 ささにごり 無濾過 原酒 / 酒 純米吟醸 地吹雪 / 酒 純米大吟醸 奥津軽 / 酒 純米吟醸 舞姫 / 散財日記 酒 / 散財日記 日本酒 かもすぞ / ウイスキーいろいろ / コーヒーマリブ / 養命酒 / ウイスキーとラベル / 寒気対策にお湯割り / すきすきオンザロック / すきすきコーラ割り / アルコール生活 / 日本酒1杯 / さいきんじゃにゃい養命酒
2007/3/20 6:28

apt-get install mondo
mondoarchive -Oi -gF -N -9 -s 4200m -d /mnt/sdb/mondo/ -E "/home /mnt /var/cache/imgseek /var/log /tmp"
 ・・・ってするとセグメント落ちする(笑) 一次的に大量にメモリを食ったりとか色々するみたい。

2007/3/19 22:46
ぜんぜんさいきんじゃにゃいSAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 21


▼ SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 関連記事
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SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 22 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 21 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 20 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 19 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 18 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 17 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 16 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 15 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 14 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 13 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 12 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 11 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 10 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 09 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 08 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 07 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 06 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 05 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 04 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 03 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 02 / SAMURAI 7 -サムライセブン- 01
2007/3/19 2:18
さいきんのソフト試用 ImgBurn

Supported Command Line Switches:
  Used to tell the program which 'Mode' to open up in.
  Used to tell the program which 'Build Mode' to open up in.
  Only applies to ISOBUILD mode.
/SRC <Drive Letter | SCSI Address> | "\" | ""
  Used to select the source drive or filename.
  Drive Letter or SCSI Address applies to ISOREAD and ISOVERIFY modes.
  Folder Name applies to ISOBUILD mode.
    File Name applies to ISOBUILD, ISOWRITE and DISCOVERY modes.
  Examples: /SRC J:
     /SRC 1:0:0
     /SRC "C:\BackupProject.IBB"
  In ISOBUILD mode, you can specify an '.IBB' file as the source.
  This is an 'ImgBurn Backup Project' file and is a simple text file containing the names of folders / files to add to the image, along with the various configuration options.
  The simplest way to find the correct syntax for an '.IBB' file is to have ImgBurn create one via the 'Save Project...' option in the 'File' menu, and then look at it in notepad.
/DEST <Drive Letter | SCSI Address> | ""
  Used to select the filename or drive.
  Drive Letter or SCSI Address applies to ISOWRITE and DISCOVERY modes.
  File Name applies to ISOREAD, ISOBUILD and ISOVERIFY modes ('DEST' actually means 'Compare' here for ISOVERIFY mode).
  Examples: /DEST J:
     /DEST 1:0:0
/FILESYSTEM "<File System>"
  Used to change the value of the 'File System' drop down list.
  Only applies to ISOBUILD mode.
  The parameter must match the value within the drop down list exactly.
  Examples: /FILESYSTEM "ISO9660"
     /FILESYSTEM "ISO9660 + Joliet"
     /FILESYSTEM "ISO9660 + UDF"
/VOLUMELABEL "<Volume Label>"
  Used to set the value of the volume label fields.
  Only applies to ISOBUILD mode.
  Length limits are automatically applied. i.e. 32 chars for ISO9660, 16 for Joliet, 126 for UDF.
  To specify different volume labels for each file system, the following switches are also available:
  /VOLUMELABEL_ISO9660 "<Volume Label>"
  /VOLUMELABEL_JOLIET "<Volume Label>"
  /VOLUMELABEL_UDF "<Volume Label>"
  These will override what's been set (if anything) by the '/VOLUMELABEL' switch.
/SPEED <Write Speed>
  Used to change the value of the 'Write Speed' drop down list.
  The parameter must match the value within the drop down list exactly.
  Examples: /SPEED MAX
     /SPEED 1x
     /SPEED 2.4x (or 2,4x depending on regional settings)
/COPIES <Number Of Copies>
  Used to change the value of the 'Copies' drop down list.
  The parameter must match the value within the drop down list exactly.
  Only applies to ISOWRITE mode.
  Example: /COPIES 2
  Used to tell the program where to put the layerbreak.
  Only applies when burning DVD+R DL discs.
    Examples: /LAYERBREAK 2000000
  Used to automatically erase / format / overwrite media.
  Used to force the program to either overwrite all existing files, or never overwrite them.
  Used to make the program simulate the burn - whereby no data is actually written to the disc.
  Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Test Mode' box for you!
  Used to make the program verify a disc is readable after it has been burnt.
  Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Verify after write' box for you!
  Used to make the program delete the image after it has been burnt.
  Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Delete Image When Done' box for you!
  Used to make the program eject the disc after it has been burnt.
  Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Eject Tray When Done' box for you!
  Used to start the burn process automatically when the program has finished initialising.
  Basically, it just presses the 'Build' / 'Write' / 'Verify' button for you!
  Used to close the program when the burn process has finished.
  Basically, it just presses the 'Close' button for you!
  Used to close the program when the text file specified by '/INFO' has been created.
  Basically, it just presses the 'Close' button for you!
  Used to close the program when the burn process has finished AND was successful.
  Basically, it just presses the 'Close' button for you!
  Used to shutdown the computer when the program has finished burning.
  Basically, it just checks the 'Shutdown computer when done' box for you!
  Used in combination with /START and /CLOSE to wait until the program is 'Ready' to burn before trying to start.
  Normally, if the program isn't 'Ready', the /CLOSE switch causes the program to close without having done anything.
  Used to stop the program from displaying details about the image.
  Only applies to ISOBUILD mode.
  Used to automate the 'Root Folder' prompt you get when only adding a single folder to the source list.
  Only applies to ISOBUILD mode.
  Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Preserve Full Pathnames' box for you!
  Only applies to ISOBUILD mode.
  Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Recurse Subdirectories' box for you!
  Only applies to ISOBUILD mode.
  Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Include Hidden Files' box for you!
  Only applies to ISOBUILD mode.
  Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Include System Files' box for you!
  Only applies to ISOBUILD mode.
  Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Include Archive Files Only' box for you!
  Only applies to ISOBUILD mode.
  Basically, it just checks (or unchecks!) the 'Clear Archive Attribute' box for you!
  Only applies to ISOBUILD mode.
/IBG "<File Name>"
  Used to make the program write the graph data to a file of the specified name after burning (or verifying if it's enabled).
/LOG "<File Name>"
  Used to make the program write the log to a file of the specified name when closing down.
/INFO "<File Name>"
  Used to make the program write the contents of the drive/media information window (on the right side of the main window) to a file of the specified name after full initialising the media.
/SETTINGS "<File Name>"
  Used to override loading the settings from the registry, and instead load from / save to the specified file.
  If the file does not exist, default settings will be used and the program will attempt to save to the specified file when it's closed.
  Even if this switch is not specified, the program will attempt to load from 'ImgBurn.ini' in the application exe's directory BEFORE it loads from the registry.
  Used to tell the program not to save ANY settings when it's closed.

2007/3/18 20:37
さいきんじゃにゃい月面兎兵器ミーナ 08



▼ 月面兎兵器ミーナ 関連記事
▼ 月面兎兵器ミーナ 関連記事     一覧メニュー    (全13件表示)
月面兎兵器ミーナ 13 / 月面兎兵器ミーナ 12 / 月面兎兵器ミーナ 11 / 月面兎兵器ミーナ 10 / 月面兎兵器ミーナ 09 / 月面兎兵器ミーナ 08 / 月面兎兵器ミーナ 07 / 月面兎兵器ミーナ 06 / 月面兎兵器ミーナ 05 / 月面兎兵器ミーナ 04 / 月面兎兵器ミーナ 03 / 月面兎兵器ミーナ 02 / 月面兎兵器ミーナ 01
- 2002/4/28 - さいきんじゃにゃい東京ミュウミュウ 1参照先
東京ミュウミュウ 1


2007/03/28 03:02 
2007/03/27 16:01 
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